Entity Relationship Model

Graphical overview of tables

Tables in Hedwig

This is a more detailed description of the tables in hedwig in alphabetic order.


Defines Access Control List for shared mailboxes. IMAP4 ACL extension is defined in RFC 2086.

Attribute Data Type Description
userid BIGINT First primary key and foreign key referencing hw_user.userid.
mailboxid BIGINT Second primary key and foreign key referencing hw_mailbox.mailboxid.
lookup_flag CHAR Mailbox is visible to LIST/LSUB commands, SUBSCRIBE mailbox.
read_flag CHAR SELECT the mailbox, perform STATUS
seen_flag CHAR Set or clear  SEEN flag via STORE, also set them during APPEND/COPY.
write_flag CHAR Set or clear other than  SEEN and  DELETED via STORE, also set them during APPEND/COPY.
insert_flag CHAR Perform APPEND, COPY into mailbox.
post_flag CHAR Send mail to submission address for mailbox.
create_flag CHAR CREATE new sub-mailboxes in any implementation-defined hierarchy, parent mailbox for the new mailbox name in RENAME.
delete_flag CHAR DELETE mailbox, old mailbox name in RENAME.
deletemsg_flag CHAR Set or clear other than  DELETED flag via STORE, also set them during APPEND/COPY.
expunge_flag CHAR Perform EXPUNGE and expunge as a part of CLOSE.


Defines the mail routing address for specific mail address.

Attribute Data Type Description
aliasid BIGINT Primary key.
alias VARCHAR(100) Destination by MDA.
deliver_to VARCHAR(100) Mail routing address.


Message header names referenced by headervalue table.

Attribute Data Type Description
headernameid BIGINT Primary key.
headername VARCHAR(100) Header name.


Message header values stored in each raw e-mail.

Attribute Data Type Description
headervalueid BIGINT Primary key.
physmessageid BIGINT Foreign key referencing hw_physmessage.physmessageid.
headernameid BIGINT Foreign key referencing hw_headername.headernameid.
headervalue TEXT Header value.


User flags for each messages are stored in this table.

Attribute Data Type Description
messageid BIGINT Primary key and foreign key referencing hw_message.messageid.
keyword VARCHAR(255) Keyword of the message.


Mailbox information is stored in this table.

Attribute Data Type Description
mailboxid BIGINT Primary key.
ownerid BIGINT Foreign key referencing hw_user.userid.
name VARCHAR(255) Name of mailbox including the hierarchy information.
noinferiors_flag CHAR No child levels under this mailbox possible.
noselect_flag CHAR Not possible to use this mailbox as selectable mailbox.
readonly_flag CHAR READ-ONLY or READ-WRITE.
nextuid BIGINT The next unique indentifier for the message which will be stored in this mailbox.
uidvalidity BIGINT The unique indentifier validity value for this mailbox.


Message information for each mailboxes. IMAP system flags for each messages as defined in RFC 3501.

Attribute Data Type Description
messageid BIGINT Primary key.
mailboxid BIGINT Foreign key referencing hw_mailbox.mailboxid.
physmessageid BIGINT Foreign key referencing hw_physmessage.physmessageid.
seen_flag CHAR Message has been read.
answered_flag CHAR Message has been answered.
deleted_flag CHAR Message is deleted for removal by later EXPUNGE.
flagged_flag CHAR Message is flagged for urgent or special attention.
recent_flag CHAR Message recently arrived in this mailbox.
draft_flag CHAR Message has not completed composition.


Mapping table for message and raw e-mail message stored in file system.

Attribute Data Type Description
physmessageid BIGINT Primary key.
rfcsize BIGINT Raw mail size.
internaldate BIGINT Internal Date Message Attribute.
subject CHAR Envelope structure's SUBJECT field string.
sentdate CHAR RFC-2822 Date: header value.
fromaddr CHAR Envelope structure's FROM field.


Subscribed mailboxes of a user returned by LSUB command.

Attribute Data Type Description
userid BIGINT First part of unique key and foreign key referencing hw_user.userid.
mailboxid BIGINT Second part of unique key and foreign key referencing hw_mailbox.mailboxid.
name VARCHAR(255) Name of the mailbox subscribed.


User table.

Attribute Data Type Description
userid BIGINT Primary key.
loginid VARCHAR(100) E-mail address for the user.
passwd VARCHAR(34) Login password of the user.
maxmail_size BIGINT RFC 2087 IMAP4 QUOTA extension.
forward VARCHAR(100) The mail address to which this user's email is forwarded.

Directory Structure

Installing the Hedwig distribution creates a hedwig-version directory that contains server start scripts, JARs, server configuration sets, SQL scripts and working and data directories.

Directory Description
bin Start and delivery scripts are located in the bin directory.
conf The conf directory contains the applicationContext.xml and default.properties file for server configuration.
data The data directory contains all the message files delivered to this server. 
Message files are stored in sub directories that are dynamically created according to the date of transmission. 
These sub directories look like this:  
where XX is modular for the physical message ID of the message file.
lib The lib directory contains all Java libraries used by Hedwig.
spool The spool directory contains spooled messages stored by SMTP server.
sql The sql directory contains SQL scripts creating database structure.
temp The tmp directory is used by LDA to store temporarily message files which was not assigned physical message identifier. 
These files will be moved to the data directory after server assigns physical message identifier.

Disk Cleanup Cron

The Disk Cleanup cron helps you free up space on mail server's hard disk by searching for messages and message files that can be deleted or compressed.

Target Categories in Disk Cleanup Cron

There are two different types of categories that Disk Cleanup targets when it performs the job.

  • Expunge Old Messages and Message Files

    It expunges messages and message files that are stored in specfic mailbox and older than specific period of time from now. You can specify the mailboxes and periods by setting the expunge_after parameter in default.properties. This parameter is consist of pairs of mailbox name and period.

  • Compress Old Message Files

    It compresses message files that are older than specific period of time from now. The files are still available, but there will be a slight increase in access times because the files will be decompressed every time they are accessed. You can specify the period by setting the compress_after parameter in default.properties.

Schedule Disk Cleanup

You might want to set the cron to run daily or weekly depending on what works best for you. To schedule Disk Cleanup Cron to run on a regular basis we need to edit the applicationContext.xml from conf directory of your installation. Change the cronExpression to what you want to.

        <bean id="cronTrigger" class="org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.CronTriggerBean">
                <property name="jobDetail" ref="diskCleanupJob" />
                <!-- Run every day at 3 AM -->
                <property name="cronExpression" value="0 0 3 * * ?" />

The cronExpression is a string that is actually made up of seven sub-expressions, that descibe individual details of the schedule. These sub-expression are separated with white-space, and represents: