
(Adapted from the James Wiki)

The usage of SSL/TLS (Security Socket Layer / Transport Layer Security) protocol allows two applications to exchange data in an encrypted way, as for example between a browser client and a HTTP server when using the HTTPS access method (https://).

The SSL/TLS support in Hedwig is available for both IMAPS ("secured" IMAP) and POP3S ("secured" POP3), as well as SMTPS ("secured" SMTP), independently of each other. To activate it, Hedwig must be configured in such a way that it expects SSL/TLS connection requests over specific ports, typically 465 for SMTPS and 993 for IMAPS.

The IMAPS is used between a mail client and a Hedwig server to download confidential messages from mailboxes to the client. The POP3S is used between a mail client and a Hedwig server to download confidential messages from the inbox to the client. The SMTPS is used between a mail client and a Hedwig server to upload confidential messages to Hedwig and have it sent out.

SMTPS could also be used between two SMTP servers to exchange messages, but it would be a special setting, as the two servers would need to known in advance that they should communicate between them in a special way (SMTPS). Instead, the standard behavior is to have an SMTP server connect to another SMTP server on port 25 using plain SMTP.

So, if you decided to have your Hedwig server as waiting on port 465 using SMTPS to allow the clients to securely upload emails if properly setup, you should add a new service waiting on port 25 using plain SMTP to allow the clients upload emails as per their normal setup and other SMTP servers connect as standard to bring inbound mail.

This way, properly setup clients, managed by users "local" to your Hedwig server, can securely exchange confidential messages even if running on PCs physically located outside the local network: no internal or external sniffer can "see" the contents of such messages. Obviously, messages coming from / going to other SMTP servers do anyway travel in clear. All this assumes that the administrator is reliable and the Hedwig server spools and mailboxes are properly protected, as they are not encrypted.

PKI and X.509 Certificates

SSL/TLS uses PKI technology, with X.509 certificates. A "keypair" must be generated for the Hedwig server; a signed X.509 certificate could be requested from a Certification Authority automatically trusted by the various mail clients, in order to have them accept the SSL/TLS session without asking the end user for a "trust" confirmation.

A "self-signed" certificate (i.e. not signed by anyone else) or signed by a "not trusted" Certification Authority should also work (tested with MS Outlook 2007, 2010 and Mozilla Thunderbird 3.1). In such case these clients pops up a warning message box saying like: "The server you are connected to is using a security certificate that could not be verified. A certificate chain processed, but terminated in a root certificate which is not trusted by the trust provider. Do you want to continue using this server?". If answer is yes further request to the server will be automatically accepted until the client is restarted, in which case the server will become untrusted again. To have the server permanently trusted by the client, you should install the certificate from Certification Authority (like,

Hedwig Setup Examples

Here follows IMAPS and SMTPS example, where a new IMAP service named imaps.server and a new SMTP service named smtps.server are setup.

In, configure keystore information.


In applicationContext.xml, setup a different service for SSL/TLS, using port 993 for IMAPS, 465 for SMTPS and 995 for POP3S. (just duplicate the existing entries for the imap.server and smtp.server, change the id to imaps.server and smtps.server and change the entries as shown below):

<bean id="imaps.server" class="com.hs.mail.imap.server.ImapServer" depends-on="config">
        <property name="useTLS" value="true"/>
        <property name="port" value="993"/>

<bean id="smtps.server" class="com.hs.mail.smtp.server.SmtpServer" depends-on="config">
        <property name="useTLS" value="true"/>
        <property name="port" value="465"/>
        <property name="taskExecutor" ref="smtp.taskExecutor"/>

<bean id="pop3s.server" class="com.hs.mail.pop3.server.POP3Server" depends-on="config">
        <property name="useTLS" value="true"/>
        <property name="port" value="995"/>
        <property name="taskExecutor" ref="smtp.taskExecutor"/>

Mail Client Setup

MS Outlook 2007

On the Tools menu, click Account Settings. Highlight your e-mail account, then click Change to open the settings dialog. In the Change E-mail Account dialog, click the More settings button, then choose the Advanced tab. In the Advanced tab, choose TLS in the Use the following type of encrypted connection list(E). Make sure that the Incoming server (IMAP) port number is 993. In the Use the following type of encrypted connection list(C), choose TLS. Make sure that the Outgoing server (SMTP) port number is 465.

Mozilla Thunderbird 3.1

In the left pane, select Server Settings option under your account. In the right pane, select SSL/TLS option in the Connection security options. The Port will be changed to 993 automatically. In the left pane, select Outgoing Server (SMTP) from the bottom of the list. Click Edit button. In the SMTP Server dialog, select SSL/TLS option in the Connection security options. The Port will be changed to 465 automatically.

Preparing the Certificate KeyStore

(Adapted from the Tomcat 4.1 documentation)

Hedwig currently operates only on JKS format keystores. This is Java's standard "Java Keystore" format, and is the format created by the keytool command-line utility. This tool is included in your JDK installed.

To import an existing certificate into your JKS keystore, please read the documentation (in your JDK documentation package) about keytool.

To create a new keystore from scratch, containing a single self-signed Certificate, execute the following from terminal command line.

keytool -genkey -alias hedwig -keyalg RSA -keypass secret -storepass secret -keystore <your_keystore_filename>

Create the keystore in the conf directory, with a name like hedwig.jks.

After executing this command, you will be prompted for general information about this Certificate. This information will be displayed to users when importing into the certificate store of the client, so make sure that the information provided here matches what they will expect.


In the "distinguished name", set the "common name"(CN) to the DNS name of your Hedwig server, the one you will connect from your mail client (like "").

If everything was successful, you now have a keystore file with a Certificate that can be used by your server.

You MUST have only one certificate in the keystore file used by Hedwig.

Installing a Certificate from a Certificate Authority

(Adapted from the Tomcat 4.1 documentation)

To obtain and install a Certificate from a Certificate Authority (like or follow these instructions.

Creating a local Certificate Signing Request

In order to obtain a Certificate from the Certificate Authority of your choice you have to create a so called Certificate Signing Request (CSR). That CSR will be used by the Certificate Authority to create a Certificate that will identify your server as "secure". To create a CSR follow these steps:

Create a local Certificate as described in the previous section.

keytool -certreq -keyalg RSA -alias hedwig -file certreq.csr -keystore <your_keystore_filename>

Now you have a file called certreq.csr. The file is encoded in PEM format. You can submit it to the Certificate Authority (look at the documentation of the Certificate Authority website on how to do this). In return you get a Certificate.

Importing the Certificate

Now that you have your Certificate you can import it into you local keystore. First of all you may have to import a so called Chain Certificate or Root Certificate into your keystore (the major Certificate Authorities are already in place, so it's unlikely that you will need to perform this step). After that you can proceed with importing your Certificate.

Optionally Importing a so called Chain Certificate or Root Certificate

Download a Chain Certificate from the Certificate Authority you obtained the Certificate from.

Importing the requested Cerificate

And finally import your new Certificate (It must be in X509 format):

keytool -import -alias hedwig -keystore <your_keystore_filename> -trustcacerts -file <your_certificate_filename>